Gavas Ragesh Dr.

Specialisation: Nematology and Entomology, Integrated Pest Management(IPM), Isolation , Identification and Development of Entomo pathogenic Nematode(EPN)s as safest Bioagent. Receipient of numerous International and National Awards in the field of IPM and EPN.
Awards and recognitions received
- Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” for his research work entitled “ “Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs): A novel Green technology for an ecofriendly management of weevil pests of banana”in the International Conference on Food Security through Agriculture and Allied Sciences (FAAS-2019), held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, during 27th to 29th, May, 2019.
- Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the“Distinguished Scientist Award”in theInternational Conference on Food Security through Agriculture and Allied Sciences (FAAS-2019), held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, during 27th to 29th, May, 2019..
- Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received theCertificate of Appreciation as Co-Chairman for “Chairing a Technical Sessionin theInternational Conference on Food Security through Agriculture and Allied Sciences (FAAS-2019), held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, during 27th to 29th, May, 2019.
- Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” for his research work entitled “Banana red rust thrips, Chaetanophothripssignipennis (Bagnall): An emerging pre and post-harvest malady to banana cultivation in Kerala”in 3rd International Conference on: “In Sync-With Next Generation Biosciences (INGB)- 2019”, scheduled on November 6-8, 2019, at Hotel Fidalgo, Goa, India.
- Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the“Distinguished Scientist Award”in 3rd International Conference on: “In Sync-With Next Generation Biosciences (INGB)- 2019”, scheduled on November 6-8, 2019, at Hotel Fidalgo, Goa, India.
Courses handled
1.Dr.Gavas Ragesh is the course leader of UG course on Plpt.3103 “Crop pests and diseases” for the 2017 batch students of CC&BM college, KAU, Vellanikkara
2. Dr.Gavas Ragesh handled UG course on Plpt.3103 “Crop pests and diseases” for the 2016 batch students of CC&BM college, KAU, Vellanikkara
3 Dr.Gavas Ragesh handled UG course entitled ‘Plant Parasitic Nematodes and their
management’(1+1) Nema.3201of B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. 2016 admission