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Gavas Ragesh Dr.

Assistant Professor(Agricultural Entomology)& Jr.Entomologist cum Nematologist, ICAR-AICRP on Fruits
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Address (Residence): 

Specialisation: Nematology and Entomology, Integrated Pest Management(IPM), Isolation , Identification and Development of Entomo pathogenic Nematode(EPN)s as safest Bioagent. Receipient of numerous International and National Awards in the field of IPM and EPN.

Awards and recognitions received 

  1. Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” for his research work entitled “ “Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs): A novel Green technology for an ecofriendly management of weevil pests of banana”in the International Conference on Food Security through Agriculture and Allied Sciences (FAAS-2019), held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, during 27th to 29th, May, 2019.
  2. Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the“Distinguished Scientist Awardin theInternational Conference on Food Security through Agriculture and Allied Sciences (FAAS-2019), held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, during 27th to 29th, May, 2019..
  3. Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received theCertificate of Appreciation as Co-Chairman for “Chairing a Technical Sessionin theInternational Conference on Food Security through Agriculture and Allied Sciences (FAAS-2019), held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, during 27th to 29th, May, 2019.
  4. Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” for his research work entitled “Banana red rust thrips, Chaetanophothripssignipennis (Bagnall): An emerging pre and post-harvest malady to banana cultivation in Kerala”in 3rd International Conference on: “In Sync-With Next Generation Biosciences (INGB)- 2019”, scheduled on November 6-8, 2019, at Hotel Fidalgo, Goa, India.
  5. Dr.GavasRagesh, Jr. Entomologist-cum-Nematologist, BRS, Kannara received the“Distinguished Scientist Awardin 3rd International Conference on: “In Sync-With Next Generation Biosciences (INGB)- 2019”, scheduled on November 6-8, 2019, at Hotel Fidalgo, Goa, India.
  6. Courses handled

    1.Dr.Gavas Ragesh is the course leader of  UG course on Plpt.3103 “Crop pests and diseases” for the 2017 batch students of CC&BM college, KAU, Vellanikkara

    2. Dr.Gavas Ragesh handled UG course on Plpt.3103 “Crop pests and diseases” for the 2016 batch students of CC&BM college, KAU, Vellanikkara

    3 Dr.Gavas Ragesh handled UG course entitled ‘Plant Parasitic Nematodes and their  

    management’(1+1) Nema.3201of B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. 2016 admission


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Banana Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Kannara P.O, Marakkal
Thrissur Kerala 680652
:0487 2699087