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Vimi Louis Dr.

Vimi Louis Dr.
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Professor & Head brskannara@kau.in 0487 2699087

Professor(Plant Pathology) ICAR-AICRP on Fruits


Specialisation: Plant Virology, Diseases of Banana and Vegetables.

Research publications (2010 onwards)

(i). Journal Articles

  1. Geethu Gokul, Vimi Louis, P.M. Namitha, Deepu Mathew, D. Girija, M.R. Shylaja, and P.S. Abida 2019. Variability of Pectobacterium carotovorum causing rhizome rot in banana. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 17, 60-81
  2. Ann Mary Mathew and Vimi Louis 2019.  Compatibility of Entomopathogenic Fungi Paecilomyces lilacinus with Insecticides used in Banana Cultivation, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) ISSN (Online): 2347-3878   Volume 7 Issue 2, 59-61.
  3. Ahmed Mujtaba V, Cherian A K, Namitha P M, Vimi Louis and Beena S. 2019, Detection and biophysical characterisation of cucumber mosaic virus causing infectious chlorosis disease of banana. Journal of Phamacogosy and Phytochemistry 8(1), 2606-2611.
  4. Reshmy Vijayaraghavan, Vimi Louis, Sally K. Mathew, Fridin Davis, Anjaly Varghese and Dilna 2017. In planta studies on Downy Mildew disease of bitter gourd using fungicides and bioagents, Int. J. Curr.Microbiol. App. Sci.6 :(3) 945-950
  5. Ashwini, K.N., Vimi Louis, Anita Cherian K. and Nirmala Devi. 2016. Bitter gourd mosaic: A complex viral disease in Kerala.International Journal of Agricultural Innovations and Research, 4 (4): 737-739. ISSN Online: 2319-1473
  6. Meera, T.M., Vimi Louis and Beena.S. 2016. Diseases of Phalaenopsis: Symptoms, Etiology and Management. Int.J.Agrl.Inn. Res. 5: (2), ISSN (Online) 2319-1473
  7. Ashwini, K.N. and Vimi Louis, 2016. Use of Defense Inducers for Management of Bitter gourd Mosaic, Int. J. Agrl. Sci. 7: (2)181-183
  8. Vimi Louis, Sindu, P.G., Jiphy Jose P. and Pushpalatha, P.B. 2016.Compatibility of Pseudomonas fluorescens with fungicides used in banana cultivation. Int.J.Agrl.Inn. Res. 5: (1), ISSN (Online) 2319-1473

(ii). Articles in Seminars / Symposiums

  1. Vimi Louis, Gavas Ragesh, Namitha , P. M., Athira, K. V., Sangeetha Ganesh, Manju, P. R. , Pushpalatha, P. B. and Prakash Patil. 2019. Emergence of Blast and Pitting Disease as a major disease of banana in Kerala (Ab). National symposium on mitigation of emerging plant diseases under changing climate scenario. Dept. of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore and Indian Society of Plant Pathologists, PAU, Ludhiana  
  2. Vimi Louis, Litty Sebastin, Darsana Dilip,Namitha P.M and Pushpalatha P.B.2019. Characterization and Comparison of Nanobiosensor for the detection of Banana Bunchy Top Virus. 31 st Kerala Science Congress. 2-3February 2019,
  3. Vimi Louis, Namitha P. M, Manju P R, Pushpalatha, P.B 2018. Virus indexing – For quality disease free tissue culture plants of banana (Ab.) National Banana Fest, Thiruvanathapuram.
  4. Vimi Louis, Namitha P. M, Sanjana Antony, Manju P. R 2018. Immunocapture –PCR for detection of Banana Bract Mosaic virus (Ab), 30th Kerala Science Congress Thalassery
  5. Darsana Dilip K C, Vimi Louis, Namitha P.M, Anita Cherian K. 2018. Phylogenetic studies and genetic diversity analysis of different isolates of Banana Bunchy Top virus in Kerala. NEXTGEN genomics, biology, bioinformatics and technologies conference, Jaipur.
  6. Vimi Louis, Liya Paul, Namitha P.M., Vinny K.V., Darsana Dilip and Pushpalatha P.B.2018. Molecular characterization of Fusarium oxysporum f sp. cubense from Kerala.ICAR-NRCB and Indian Phytopathological Society (Southzone Chapter) organized National Symposium on “Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and ensuring farmers’ profit” at NRCB, Trichy.
  7. Geethu Gokul G., Vimi Louis, Namitha P. M., Deepu Mathew, Girija .D, Shylaja .M.R and Abida P.S 2018. Molecular characterization of Pectobacterium carotovorum, causing rhizome rot in banana, ICAR-NRCB and Indian Phytopathological Society (Southzone Chapter) organized National Symposium on “Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and ensuring farmers’ profit” at NRCB, Trichy.
  8. Darsana Dilip K.C., Vimi Louis, Namitha P.M., Anita Cherian K.2018. Genetic diversity analysis of Banana bract mosaic virus in Kerala for development of serological detection assays. ICAR-NRCB and Indian Phytopathological Society (Southzone Chapter) organized National Symposium on “Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and ensuring farmers’ profit” at NRCB, Trichy.
  9.  Sindu, PG., Vimi Louis, Dr. Anita Cherian, Meena Kumari. 2016. Up-scaling production of Pseudomonas fluorescens, a PGPR for sustainable agriculture (Abstract). In: Indian chapter of Asian PGPR satellite workshop – PGPRs for sustainable crop productivity, 25th February, 2016. New Delhi, p. 597
  10. Vimi Louis, Anita Cherian K, Rema Menon, Sindu PG and Jisha Kurian 2016. Resistance of banana accessions to Panama wilt incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Abstract). In: 6th International Conference on Plant, Pathogens and People, 23-27 February, 2016. New Delhi, p. 565
  11.  Vimi Louis, Anita Cherian K, Rema Menon, Sindu PG and Jisha Kurian. 2016. Solanum torvum –A botanical for management of post-harvest disease of Banana (Abstract). In: 6th International Conference on Plant, Pathogens and People, 23-27 February, 2016. New Delhi, p.342.
  12. Reshmy Vijayaraghavan, Vimi Louis, Sally K. Mathew, Fridin Davis, Anjali Varghese and Dilna. 2016. Efficacy of fungicides and bioagents against Downy mildew disease of bittergourd (Ex. Ab) 29 th  Kerala Science Congress
  13. Vimi Louis, Sally K. Mathew, K.V. Sreni and Fridin Davis 2015. Management of Downy mildew of bitter gourd by chemicals and bio agents. National symposium “Understanding host pathogen interaction through science of omics”. Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode.
  14.  Ashwini, K.N., Vimi Louis and Anita Cherian K. 2015. Indicator plants for Bitter gourd viruses. National symposium “Understanding host pathogen interaction through science of omics”. Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode.
  15.  Meera, T.M. and Vimi Louis, 2012. Collar Rot: A major disease of Phalaenopsis and Basket Vanda in Kerala. National symposium “Plant protection in horticultural crop: Emerging challenges and sustainable pest management”. Association for Advancement of Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems. IIHR, Bangalore.
  16.  Vimi Louis, Raji, P. and Rose Mary Francis. 2012. Evaluation of botanicals and fungicides for fungal control in paddy seed storage. International Conference “100 years of Rice Research” Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
  17.  Divya, M. and Vimi Louis, 2011. An emerging ash gourd mosaic disease. National Seminar on Recent Adances in Plant Disease Management. Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu.
  18. Vimi Louis, Renjith Kumar, Raji, P. and Santhosh Kumar, A. V. 2010. Evaluation of resistance inducing substances for management of Bitter gourd mosaic.National Conference. Sri Venkiteswara University, Tirupati.



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Banana Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Kannara P.O, Marakkal
Thrissur Kerala 680652
:0487 2699087